Who is Jesus?


God created humanity to enjoy a deep and satisfying relationship with Him forever. But when the first human beings, Adam and Eve, decided to disobey God, pain and death entered our world. From then on, all of humanity continued to sin by turning away from God and ignoring his authority over them. All of us are considered sinners, not because of the degree or amount of sin that we have committed, but because we all have refused God’s rule in our lives.

The problem with sin is that it makes being in a relationship with God impossible. God is a god who is just, perfect and holy, He cannot let sin go unpunished. So we are caught in between this impossible situation, that God loves us as his special creation, but at the same time our sin prevents us from having a relationship with Him. To add to this, there is nothing that we can do to make our sins right with God. 

God knew that the only way for us to be reconciled again is by providing a perfect sacrifice for our sin. So God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, down to Earth, in the form of a man. Jesus is fully God and fully man. It means he experienced grief, temptation and pain like we do, and yet He did not sin. He lived the perfect life we cannot live, and he died the death that we deserve to die. His life and death became the payment for the penalty of our sin. Jesus sacrificed His life for us so that we could be in relationship with God our Father once again.

But just because Jesus made a way to be reconciled with Him, it doesn’t mean that we automatically are. It is written in Romans 10:9, 'If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.’ In order to receive God’s free gift we need to humbly ask for it, and surrender our life to Jesus.

If you have encountered Jesus and want to be saved today, pray this prayer with us.


The Sinner’s Prayer

Dear Jesus,

I am sorry that I have lived my life my own way and I ask for your forgiveness. Jesus, I believe that you died for my sins and rose from the dead to save me. I renounce all my sins and accept the new life that you give. I invite you into my life to be my Lord and Saviour.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.



By surrendering your life to Christ, you have received new life and are embarking on a journey to be more and more like Christ.

If you have prayed this prayer, we would love to hear from you and journey with you as part of our Church Community.